Having read quite extensively on the field of psychology I found myself struggling to find a unified model that can explain the “mind” or psyche. I have found many appealing theories but most don’t try and explain the psyche in a complete form, they touch on parts of the psyche and then conflicting theories touch on other aspects, so I have felt a need for some time to join a school of thought, that is just simply the way my mind works.
After reading quite a lot of Carl Jung in the original I found myself more and more drawn to his approach and his theories. He presents a wonderful topographical description of the mind which I find most useful, and as the father of “Analytical Psychology” he has left us with tools to reconcile many psychic / spiritual phenomena into our daily existence.
I recently came across a Jungian analyst John Betts http://www.jungian.ca/ who has the most fantastic well presented series on Jungs works, you can download his podcasts for free on his site or you can download them via iTunes app store by typing in his name or Jungian.