Friday, August 14, 2009


O baby it is hard to be a contrarian. reports: Most Western Central Bankers, and virtually all private sector economists have now declared the recession over. Probably around three months late, but better than their forecasting record going into said recession.

Consensus growth for China in 2010 is now 9% plus. Most stocks in our universe are at or above pre-Lehman’s levels. A lot of respected (?) commentators are talking ‘V’shaped recoveries on the back of a rebound in inventories. Property markets appear to be stabilising in the West and moving sharply up to near record levels in parts of the East.


Thursday, August 13, 2009


A lot has been said on this topic, and I frankly never took much note of it.


If I understand it as the economy slowed down and consumers stopped spending like they did in the past, inventory built up and production dropped off to cater for the lower demand. As production numbers dropped as evidenced by weaker GDP numbers the consumption that was taking place drew inventories down to a level that required replenishing.


So we have now witnessed a topping up of inventories to cater for consumption even though it is still muted, but this inventory build up has caused production to increase and will therefore be reflected in the current GDP numbers as an increase.


If my summary of how inventory works on a simplistic level, then surely we are completing cycle 1, to draw inference that this is the bottom surely needs further evidence whether demand is likely to pick up significantly, or will we go through another cycle of weak demand, increased inventory build up and lower production and lower GDP.


Am I missing something or are we ignoring the cyclical / secular debate.

Monday, August 10, 2009


One of my gurus’ taught me this technique, for some reason I haven’t been using it like I used to. I hope to start using it again.



Welcome to Genius Sparks from Paul R. Scheele ************************************************


The concept of mind over matter is a fascinating one. It can explain such phenomena as how objects move telekinetically in a research lab to how humans achieve feats of greatness in the face of unimaginable pain.


And mind over matter is about to go mainstream.


Brain researchers and toy developers alike are using biosensors with computer interfaces to measure electrical impulses in the brain and decipher and interpret actual mental states such as attention and meditation.


In fact, two competing toys aimed for the market later this year will challenge the user, wearing a simple sensor, to focus their concentration to levitate and move a ping-pong ball with their thoughts.


The ability to measure and monitor the brain’s electrical activity isn’t new. I remember when I first used an electroencephalograph (EEG) years ago while PhotoReading, which uses both the left and right brain hemispheres—the whole mind—to mentally photograph the pages of a book.


The computer immediately registered a decrease in conscious, analytical brain wave patterns and a corresponding rise in deep learning brain wave patterns. It convincingly demonstrated to me the power of training to get into state for learning.


Human brain waves normally operate in a range of frequencies from 1 to 30 hertz, or cycles a second. Smaller frequency modes within this wider range are associated with a variety of brain functions or capabilities.


These modes are like “brain channels,” similar to television channels. At each of these channel settings, different personal resources are available to you. The slower brain frequencies are associated with remarkable powers, seemingly miraculous to those who use the faster brain frequencies of the conscious mind.


Just as you change channels on your TV, you can change your brain channels to tap more of your mind’s full potential.


Simply get into a state of relaxed alertness, the ideal state for reading, learning, or performing any mental activity. You can easily do so with the “tangerine technique” from our PhotoReading process. Here’s how:


• Hold an imaginary tangerine in your hand. Experience the weight, color, texture, and smell of the tangerine.


• Gently close your eyes and place the tangerine so it delicately balances on the top, back part of your head. Touch that area gently with your hand. Become aware of the feeling. Now, imagine that tangerine floating up and behind your head, 6 to 12 inches. • Imagine your field of vision opening up.


• Maintain the relaxed feeling of alertness as you open your eyes and begin your desired activity.


Use this simple technique anytime you want to quickly access your vast brain power—even if just to keep a ping-pong ball floating in the air!